3 Awesome Advantages of Recycling Your Laptop | Digital World

3 Awesome Advantages of Recycling Your Laptop

3 AwesWe’d all like to make the most out of our unwanted goods. Here’s how to make the most out of your unwanted laptop…

First things first, you can make some money

Now, you may be considering paying somebody to take that battered old laptop off of your hands. After all, it’s no use to anybody… or is it? One man’s misery is another man’s fortune in the case of laptops. Even if your machine doesn’t work anymore, it still has a lot of worthy components inside that can be re-used. There are many companies out there who will happily give you a few bucks for your unwanted friend; some will even pay you quite handsomely. Have a look around the internet and you’ll see that’s the case. There’s nothing better than selling something that’s no longer needed. You’ll even have a bit of extra cash to put towards your shiny new computer.

You’ll be helping the environment

In the era when we should all be more conscious of the carbon footprint we’re leaving behind, recycling can be a satisfying experience. If you chuck your old laptop in the bin, then you’re just making a further contribution to a landfill site that’s already teeming with goods that shouldn’t really be there. Sending your laptop off to a company that offers recycling is a great way to do your bit for the environment. These companies don’t bother with landfill sites. Instead, they’ll either re-use or refurbish your old laptop, or in the worst case, take it apart and recycle the parts. Whatever they decide, you can rest assured they’ll be making the most out of your computer and helping save our precious planet at the same time.

You won’t have to worry about your data

Probably the main worry people have when disposing of their old computers is how to protect their data. Very sensitive information about us and our lives is often stored on machines nowadays. What most people don’t realise is that a simple ‘wipe’ of your hard drive doesn’t actually remove your data. It can still be retrieved with relatively little effort. There are software programs available that will erase your data properly, but usually you’ll have to pay for them. Send your laptop to be recycled and they’ll wipe all of your data for you. Instead of paying for your data to be wiped you may as well make some money and get it wiped for free.

If you’d like to recycle your laptop then a great company to use are Sell Your Laptop UK. They not only give reasonable rates for all the laptops they recycle, but they are also a social firm, founded by the charity Interact, that donate their profits and help disadvantaged people into employment.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7146758
ome Advantages of Recycling Your Laptop

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